X-Ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy - Kratos Axis Supra XPS

The Kratos Axis Supra XPS (X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy) system offers surface analysis, surface chemical mapping, Surface imaging, and depth profiling of metallic, semi-metallic and nonmetallic samples as deep as 1 nm. The sample is evacuated to 10-9 Torr or better, for quality measurements.

XPS Supra

The system is designed around a 165 mm mean radius hemispherical analyzer and Spherical mirror Analyzer, which allows for sensitive analysis as well as fast parallel imaging onto the 2D delay line detector. By using a magnetic immersion lens, high sensitivity is apparent on the analysis areas as small as 15um with spatial resolution as small as 1um. The charge neutralization system allows high resolution spectra to be obtained from insulating materials such as polymers using either the standard Mg/Al source or the Al/Ag monochromatic source. The instrument is controlled by the Escape data system, on a Windows 7 computer workstation. To learn more about XPS, look up XPS or ESCA (Electron Spectroscopy for Chemical Analysis) on Kratos’ web site at www.Kratos.com.

Manufacturer:                  Kratos
Model No.:                         Axis Supra XPS
Year of manufacture:   2017
Year acquired:                  2018
Location:                            Parsons W118

  • Magnetic immersion lens provides apparent high sensitivity on small areas.
  • Charge neutralization system using a standard Mg/Al or a Al/Ag monochromatic source allows high resolution spectra (down to 1um) to be obtained from insulating materials such as polymers.
  • Operates at 10-9 Torr with imaging down to the 15 µm level.

Principal Scientist: John Wilderman


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Contact Information

W123 Parsons Hall
Durham, NH 03824
Phone: (603) 862-2790


UNH Rate: 
$53.00/hour  assisted
$10.00/hour  unassisted

Non UNH academic Rate: 
$106.00/hour  assisted
  $20.00/hour  unassisted

Industry Rate:
$200.00/hour assisted
$133.00/hour unassisted